White marble sculpture representing the nymph Diana petting an animal.
One of the most represented deities in 19th century sculpture, Diana is variously depicted with a crescent moon on the forehead, holding a bow and quiver or accompanied by an animal. The choice of attributes depends on Diana’s portrayal by the artist – as the goddess of domestic animals, as the bold huntress or as the lunar goddess.
This white marble sculpture by French sculptor Jules-Louis Rispal (1871 – 1909) is signed and dated « J.RISPAL/1902».
Rispal was born in Gironde, Bordeaux in 1871 and was a student of Émile Thomas (1817 – 1882). Rispal exhibited for the first time at the Paris Salon in 1893 and went on to win an honorable mention in 1899 and another at the World’s Exhibition of 1900. In 1901 he won a third class medal and finally in 1902 a gold medal and a travel scholarship.
He is the author of various monuments such as:
– « Nymph of Diana », a monumental version of the present sculpture found in the « Jardin de la Mairie » of Bordeaux.
– The Art Nouveau Low-Relief which acts as a sundial located in rue Dubois in the second arrondissement of Paris.
Height : 69 cm.
Width: 48 cm.
Depth: 31 cm.